Your Secret Weapon to Saving Time and Money Sometimes what you believe your customers want isn’t what they actually need. And no, we’re not singing the Rolling Stones blues here. We’re talking about what you learn when you listen to your customers’ views and perceptions first and then confirm the identified need before jumping to full-blown execution of a new technology, or starting […]
How to Improve Your Marketing Effectiveness
Raising the Bar For Greater Sales & Marketing Effectiveness So many companies focus on outcomes—it’s all about the end numbers. Sure, sales numbers are important, no one can deny that. But the process to get to them should be your real focus. Why? Focusing on the process ultimately is knowing you’re on the right […]
Not-for-Profit Consortium of Healthcare Supply Chain Executives
A Not-for-Profit Consortium of Healthcare Supply Chain Executives…Marketing genuine value and keeping it fresh · Situation A group of thought leading and innovative healthcare supply chain executives launched a unique organization for the purpose of bringing about transformative change for and across the entire healthcare supply chain. Building upon industry experience and a network of contacts […]
Medical Product Market Assessment
· Situation A division of a major, multi-national health care products company needed to quickly understand the products, marketing directions, sales strategies, reputations, strengths and weaknesses for the top companies in a key market segment in order to focus new business development efforts. · Challenges The priorities for this client were speed and depth of information beyond […]
Major Integrated Delivery Network (IDN) Supply Chain Com Strategy
Integrated Delivery System Supply Chain … Marketing and communicating physician involving in supply cost management Situation A world renowned integrated healthcare delivery system (IDN) significantly upgraded the organization and management of its supply chain organization in 2009. As this new team set about managing the wide array of normal responsibilities within an enterprise wide supply […]
Single Medical Specialty Group Practice Marketing Strategy and Tactics
A Large, Single Medical Specialty Group Practice…How to Market Outstanding Capabilities and Value · Situation A large, east coast and highly regarded specialty group medical practice reached a new level of organizational maturity and realized many of the “target” audiences for its array of services were not aware of the depth and breadth of its clinical, […]
Direct and Distributor Sales Assessment and Strategy
· Situation A division of a major, multi-national health care products company needed to synthesize and analyze several years of sales data to pin point key trends in direct and distributor selling performance for the purpose of charting new selling strategies. · Challenges Sales department had no company resource with experience in conducting a multivariate, correlation analysis […]
Pharmaceutical Market: U. S. Segment Growth Forecasting Model – Market Drivers Identification
· Situation A major multi-national pharmaceutical company needed to create a more reliable market growth-forecasting model. · Challenges Several years of unanticipated growth caused management to become less comfortable with the accuracy of its forecasts for coming years. Reduced confidence in forecasting methods coupled with a transition to global (ex-US based) marketing management structure created a serious […]
Surgical Hernia Repair Product–Start-Up
· Situation A start up surgical products group within a well established polymer materials developer sought to effectively position a novel material designed for surgical hernia repair. The product has unique physical properties that offer superior results during and post surgery. · Challenges As a start-up, the company had new (non-surgical experienced) marketing personal, a compressed timeline […]