Raising the Bar For Greater Sales & Marketing Effectiveness
So many companies focus on outcomes—it’s all about the end numbers. Sure, sales numbers are important, no one can deny that. But the process to get to them should be your real focus. Why? Focusing on the process ultimately is knowing you’re on the right path, heading in the right direction. After all, you don’t want to head off on the yellow brick road to Oz if you don’t know which way takes you to the Emerald City!
By shifting the focus to end-to-end implementation you’re almost guaranteed to end up at the right place, with successful end numbers to prove it.
How can you start implementing end-to-end process in your own organization?
Step one: Project preparation
Start by looking at your core marketing competencies, your strengths and weaknesses. Then look at your competition and their core marketing competencies, strengths and weaknesses. Defining and knowing these will better enable your success.
Step two: Sizing and blueprinting
Look over the horizon. What new business opportunities are out there? Mapping out the marketplace landscape is critical in developing your blueprint. Analyzing internal resources and performing a cost of ownership analysis, i.e. how to get the best business solution for the least money, is also beneficial.
Step three: Using the road map
Take the road map you’ve developed and start using it. Continue to improve and adjust, using metrics to measure as you progress. The advantages of this process are that it delivers quality outcomes while confirming you’re on the right path along the way.
Once your organization has the mind-shift that process is as big as outcome, you’ll be raising the bar for greater sales and marketing effectiveness.
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